Search Results: "weasel"

25 December 2013

Petter Reinholdtsen: Debian Edu interview: Dominik George

The Debian Edu / Skolelinux project consist of both newcomers and old timers, and this time I was able to get an interview with a newcomer in the project who showed up on the IRC channel a few weeks ago to let us know about his successful installation of Debian Edu Wheezy in his School. Say hello to Dominik George. Who are you, and how do you spend your days? I am a 23 year-old student from Germany who has spent half of his life with open source. In "real life", I am, as already mentioned, a student in the fields of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Information Technologies and Anglistics. Due to my (only partially voluntary) huge engagement in the open source world, these things are a bit vacant right now however. I also have been working as a project teacher at a Gymasnium (public school) for various years now. I took up that work some time around 2005 when still attending that school myself and have continued it until today. I also had been running the (kind of very advanced) network of that school together with a team of very interested and talented students in the age of 11 to 15 years, who took the chance to learn a lot about open source and networking before I left the school to help building another school's informational education concept from scratch. That said, one might see me as a kind of "glue" between school kids and the elderly of teachers as well as between the open source ecosystem and the (even more complex) educational ecosystem. When I am not busy with open source or education, I like Geocaching and cycling. How did you get in contact with the Skolelinux / Debian Edu project? I think that happened some time around 2009 when I first attended FrOSCon and visited the project booth. I think I wasn't too interested back then because I used to have an attitude of disliking software that does too much stuff on its own. Maybe I was too inexperienced to realise the upsides of an "out-of-the-box" solution ;). The first time I actively talked to Skolelinux people was at OpenRheinRuhr 2011 when the BiscuIT project, a home-grewn software used by my school for various really cool things from timetables and class contact lists to lunch ordering, student ID card printing and project elections first got to a stage where it could have been published. I asked the Skolelinux guys running the booth if the project were interested in it and gave a small demonstration, but there wasn't any real feedback and the guys seemed rather uninterested. After I left the school where I developed the software, it got mostly lost, but I am now reimplementing it for my new school. I have reusability and compatibility in mind, and I hop there will be a new basis for contributing it to the Skolelinux project ;)! What do you see as the advantages of Skolelinux / Debian Edu? The most important advantage seems to be that it "just works". After overcoming some minor (but still very annoying) glitches in the installer, I got a fully functional, working school network, without the month-long hassle I experienced when setting all that up from scratch in earlier years. And above that, it rocked - I didn't have any real hardware at hand, because the school was just founded and has no money whatsoever, so I installed a combined server (main server, terminal services and workstation) in a VM on my personal notebook, bridging the LTSP network interface to the ethernet port, and then PXE-booted the Windows notebooks that were lying around from it. I could use 8 clients without any performance issues, by using a tiny little VM on a tiny little notebook. I think that's enough to say that it rocks! Secondly, there are marketing reasons. Life's bad, and so no politician will ever permit a setup described as "Debian, an universal operating system, with some really cool educational tools" while they will be jsut fine with "Skolelinux, a single-purpose solution for your school network", even if both turn out to be the very same thing (yes, this is unfair towards the Skolelinux project, and must not be taken too seriously - you get the idea, anyway). What do you see as the disadvantages of Skolelinux / Debian Edu? I have not been involved with Skolelinux long enough to really answer this question in a fair way. Thus, please allow me to put it in other words: "What do you expect from Skolelinux to keep liking it?" I can list a few points about that: I'm really sorry I cannot say much more about that :(! Which free software do you use daily? First of all, all software I use is free and open. I have abandoned all non-free software (except for firmware on my darned phone) this year. I run Debian GNU/Linux on all PC systems I use. On that, I mostly run text tools. I use mksh as shell, jupp as very advanced text editor (I even got the developer to help me write a script/macro based full-featured student management software with the two), mcabber for XMPP and irssi for IRC. For that overly coloured world called the WWW, I use Iceweasel (Firefox). Oh, and mutt for e-mail. However, while I am personally aware of the fact that text tools are more efficient and powerful than anything else, I also use (or at least operate) some tools that are suitable to bring open source to kids. One of these things is Jappix, which I already introduced to some kids even before they got aware of Facebook, making them see for themselves that they do not need Facebook now ;). Which strategy do you believe is the right one to use to get schools to use free software? Well, that's a two-sided thing. One side is what I believe, and one side is what I have experienced. I believe that the right strategy is showing them the benefits. But that won't work out as long as the acceptance of free alternatives grows globally. What I mean is that if all the kids are almost forced to use Windows, Facebook, Skype, you name it at home, they will not see why they would want to use alternatives at school. I have seen students take seat in front of a fully-functional, modern Debian desktop that could do anything their Windows at home could do, and they jsut refused to use it because "Linux sucks". It is something that makes the council of our city spend around 600000 to buy software - not including hardware, mind you - for operating school networks, and for installing a system that, as has been proved, does not work. For those of you readers who are good at maths, have you already found out how many lives could have been saved with that money if we had instead used it to bring education to parts of the world that need it? I have, and found it to be nothing less dramatic than plain criminal. That said, the only feasible way appears to be the bottom up method. We have to bring free software to kids and parents. I have founded an association named Teckids here in Germany that does just that. We organise several events for kids and adolescents in the area of free and open source software, for example the FrogLabs, which share staff with Teckids and are the youth programme of the Free and Open Source Software Conference (FrOSCon). We do a lot more than most other conferences - this year, we first offered the FrogLabs as a holiday camp for kids aged 10 to 16. It was a huge success, with approx. 30 kids taking part and learning with and about free software through a whole weekend. All of us had a lot of fun, and the results were really exciting. Apart from that, we are preparing a campaign that is supposed to bring the message of free alternatives to stuff kids use every day to them and their parents, e.g. the use of Jabber / Jappix instead of Facebook and Skype. To make that possible, we are planning to get together a team of clever kids who understand very well what their peers need and can bring it across to them. So we will have a peer-driven network of adolescents who teach each other and collect feedback from the community of minors. We then take that feedback and our own experience to work closely with open source projects, such as Skolelinux or Jappix, at improving their software in a way that makes it more and more attractive for the target group. At least I hope that we will have good cooperation with Skolelinux in the future ;)! So in conclusion, what I believe is that, if it weren't for the world being so bad, it should be very clear to the political decision makers that the only way to go nowadays is free software for various reasons, but I have learnt that the only way that seems to work is bottom up.

7 September 2013

Ben Armstrong: Wifi roaming on the move redux

It has been nearly six years with a netbook and five since I last wrote about wifi roaming from the bus to stay on irc without a costly celluar link during the daily commute. Since then, some readers have asked me to share my refinements to the method in a followup post. So here it is. The software On the server: On the client: Putting it together: on the client Make sure if you have a wireless manager installed (such as NetworkManager) it is configured to skip your wireless interface, disabled entirely, or if possible, removed. Set up /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf and /etc/network/interfaces for roaming, as per the instructions in /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.modes.gz. Don t forget to add yourself to the netdev group if you are not in it already. In /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf, list common names of open networks. Normally the catch-all network that associates with any essid, i.e. the first stanza below, works well. However, occasionally the strongest signal is neither one of the common networks nor an easily accessible network (e.g. web portals), so having a list of common open networks helps to quickly select from among those instead. The more you travel, the more of these will discover and add. Just use reconfigure from wpa_cli to reload your edited list each time you add a new one.
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
Since you ll be using ssh repeatedly to connect and it has to be fast, make sure your server is set up to accept your key and use ssh-add so that you only have to enter your ssh key password once. You can tweak isc-dhcp-client to make connections faster. In /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf, use:
backoff-cutoff 1;
initial-interval 1;
Here are a few scripts I wrote to facilitate quick roaming from one open AP to another and reconnect to irssi running in screen, to break a connection and try the next one, and to recover from occasional lockups (more about that later). ~/bin/screen_reconnect This is a script to reconnect continuously via ssh to a screen session:
while ! ssh -t 'screen -UDr' 2>/dev/null ; do echo -n "." ; sleep .1 ; done
Just substitute the IP of your own server here. Using an IP instead of domain name makes the connection faster because a DNS lookup is not required. ~/bin/wifi_reassociate This script closes any open ssh sessions and informs wpa_supplicant to attempt to connect again.
/sbin/wpa_cli rea
killall ssh >/dev/null 2>&1
~/bin/wifi_killall This optional, somewhat ugly script addresses an issue I hope you never have. On my ASUS Eee PC 1001PX, occasionally scanning stops. When this happens, and I have never figured out why, apparently ACPI events are blocked. At this point wifi becomes unusable and ACPI sleep is inhibited. By trial and error I found that if you bring down the interface, kill all network-related processes, and bring it up again, ACPI events are unblocked and wifi is usable once more (and any pending request to sleep will finally happen). The script requires sudo, and to use the openbox key binding, gksudo.
sudo ifdown wlan0
# in case any of these are hung
sudo killall dhclient3
sudo killall wpa_cli
sudo killall wpa_action
sudo killall wpa_supplicant
# in case any of these are *really* hung
sleep 1
sudo killall -9 dhclient3
sudo killall -9 wpa_cli
sudo killall -9 wpa_action
sudo killall -9 wpa_supplicant
sudo dhclient -r
sudo ifup wlan0
Openbox Since certain actions need to be performed repeatedly and quickly, it is useful to have hotkeys bound in your window manager to the scripts. In ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml, key bindings for <alt>-r to reassociate and <alt>-d to disconnect a hung connection would look like:
  <!-- My keybindings -->
  <keybind key="A-R">
    <action name="Execute">
  <keybind key="A-D">
    <action name="Execute">
        <execute>gksudo /home/synrg/bin/wifi_killall</execute>
Putting it together: on the server There is very little to do here. Just start screen, and start irssi in screen. Running screen on the client as well as the server means you should either bind the screen meta keys to a different key sequence on each system, or else learn to press meta twice to pass through meta to the server screen as needed. I use the latter approach. Alternatively, you could use a tabbed terminal on the client, or separate terminals per client process instead of screen. This is a matter of personal taste. Ready to roam Here is a typical setup for roaming on the bus: In a terminal (I use urxvt), first ssh-add, then start screen with these three processes running in separate virtual terminals: March of the dots Most of the commute, just enjoy watching the dots march by, waiting for a new connection. If you estimate a connection is unusable, press <alt>-r to reassociate immediately, giving the next network a chance. If the connection is already firmly established, this might not work on the first try. If the dots don t resume immediately, wait a bit and press it again. This might take a few tries. Changing selected networks on the fly Use wpa_cli when you need to do some fine-tuning of network selections on the fly. While normally you can just watch the march of the dots until a connection is acquired, sometimes you can improve your chances of connecting to a good network by manually controlling the selected candidate networks here. For example, by watching the speed of the bus relative to known good APs, you can predict which networks are more likely to succeed. Rather than connect to any arbitrary network, you might select a specific one by id, and then later when it goes out of range, revert to the original configuration, e.g.
> select_network 5
> reconfigure
You can use tab-completion in wpa_cli to type these commands quickly or else just abbreviate the commands. Another common scenario is when you pass through a business area with many captive portal hotspots. These rarely make good choices because they either require a password not known to you or else you can t click through I agree in time before the bus moves on. In this case, you might just disable the catch-all stanza and let the common open network stanzas you listed ( default , linksys , etc.) do the work:
> disable_network 1
Become a type ahead wizard While running, a continuous stream of periods fills the screen, which provides you with a highly visible cue that no available APs are in range. When the movement stops, you know a connection is being attempted. While waiting to connect, you can type ahead any comments you want to make in the current irssi window (taking care to remember which one you are in!) While having periods interspersed in what you type may be disorienting at first, you get used to it. There is a point when a connection is first established and ssh is accepting input, but anything you type can no longer be seen while you re typing. Depending on whether the connection was completely successful or not, what you type now may or may not finally be sent. For best results, only type ahead before the dots stop moving. Eventually you can become skilled enough at this to type ahead a comment in one channel, switch channels with /win # and continue typing ahead in the new channel, all buffered until the next few seconds (or even fraction of a second) of connection time. Fine-tune antenna direction with wavemon When the bus has come to a standstill, you may find wavemon useful to pull in a weak signal. Because wavemon has continuously updated signal level and link quality bars, you can use it to fine-tune the antenna position. Just turn your laptop until the bars are at their maximum. Captive portals I have not figured out how to do any automation for this, so it really is a crapshoot, as it is likely the bus has moved on by the time you ve managed to manually navigate the login through a captive portal. But in rush hour, you may have the luxury of time to connect to these as you pass them. I have recently learned about the CoovaFX Firefox plugin which automates logins to captive portals. I m going to give it a try to see if it helps. Update: I can t recommend this plugin, as it is not compatible with Iceweasel >= 23.0. Also, the standard it is based on, WISPr, appears to have an uncertain future. That, coupled with the fact that the plugin appears to not be open source means I m still looking for alternatives. Summary If all of this sounds a bit nuts to you, well, it probably is. But after half a decade enjoying free access to irc from the bus, it all seems perfectly natural to me! If you try this method and like it, please let me know in the comments. Likewise, if you have any improvements to the process or scripts, please share them!

2 September 2013

Daniel Pocock: Australia's Labor Party exposed spying on their own members

Australia's Labor Party claims to represent the little guy, advocating the interests of a wide slice of the population over the interests of those who might supposedly exploit them. In this latest blog I'll look at just how the Victorian state branch of the party is emulating the more sinister elements of monitoring and control that you would typically expect from marketers, spammers and the NSA. It makes you wonder, if they do this to their own members, how can Australia's government ever hope to rein in spammers or other undesirable practices? Europe has tried cookie laws and the right to be forgotten, while the ALP has taken these developments almost as a guide to exploiting their own most valuable resource, their membership. The email version of invisible ink Straight out of an email attempting to recruit party members to the federal election campaign, we find that the ALP's logo itself has been turned into a sinister tracking mechanism. Looking underneath the logo, there is a hidden tracking number attached to every message:
There it is, that big long code 3021e68df9a7200135725c633. On it's own, you may think this number can't do much harm. Think again. After all, as the filename says, "ThisisLabor". Reaching the grass roots by long distance email When a party member sees any of the images in the email or clicks any of the links, their email software or web browser sends a HTTP request to the ALP's outsourced tracking server in the United States. Here is an example of what that request may contain:
TCP Headers:
HTTP headers:
  GET /3021e68df9a7200135725c633/images/Email_Header_ThisisLabor.jpg
  User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130515 Firefox/17.0 Iceweasel/17.0.6
  Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
  Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
  Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
  Connection: keep-alive
These codes are all transmitted from the recipient of the email back to the ALP. Notice the tracking number is in the very first line of the HTTP request? These codes send many details to the tracking server. Just what is revealed?
  • What time the message was read
  • How many times the message was opened
  • Whether the message was read on multiple computers (perhaps it was forwarded)
  • The IP addresses reveal which network was used.
    • For people reading email at work or on wifi, the IP address reveals the name of the employer, it can be easily looked up in this public database. Here is an example querying one of the ALPs own IP addresses,
    • For people using an internet connection at home, the IP address reveals the service provider. There is more to it though: if one party member regularly visits another party member and uses their wifi, they will both appear to be using the same IP address and the party will be able to deduce that there is a connection between these two people.
  • The web browser name and version and the operating system name and version.
  • The language normally used on the computer
Crunching the numbers You may think that nobody would be interested in all that data or that it is even too much data for anybody to easily study. Think again. The ALP has outsourced processing of this data to an offshore firm that specializes in bulk email, MailChimp. After lecturing everybody about the dangers of outsourcing, the ALP has literally sold the farm (their own membership data) - to a foreign marketing company. Here are some of the claims MailChimp make on their web site:
"Dig even deeper with Subscriber Activity Reports, which give you a real time report for every subscriber s email activities: when they opened, what they clicked, and when they came back for more. You can even generate a list of people who didn t open, and send them a modified campaign."
That's right: if ALP members don't read their emails fast enough, they will send even more of them. Just who has access to this data? Well, the scope is quite broad. According to these rules, it is not only the dubious officials in the party's state office, but Labor Party regulations also list a whole lot of other officials who have access to some subset of the data: branch and FEA district committees, policy committees and maybe some trade union officials too. Once you start to contemplate this, it becomes apparent that the probability of somebody profiling members at an individual level is very real. On the other hand, those rules clearly do not permit the state branch to process the member's data offshore. Double whammy In fact, even MailChimp is further outsourcing the data. When receiving an image from the booby-trapped link in the email, we receive a response like this:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Length: 407474
Connection: keep-alive
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 06:25:55 GMT
Last-Modified: Tue,  03 Sep 2013 04:05:37 GMT
ETag: "df9a7200135725c6331369a22"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Server: AmazonS3
Age: 62097
Via: 1.0 (CloudFront)
X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront
X-Amz-Cf-Id: S2V2aW4gUnVkZCBpcyBhIGJhZCBib3kuCg==
which contains more tracking numbers and clearly indicates that the data is being processed in the massive AmazonS3 (a.k.a Amazon online bookstore) cloud platform. Thanks to cloud computing, there is considerable scope for cross-referencing records across other web sites. The IP address becomes a magic key, allowing a range of sinister forces to join the dots at the click of a button and profile the whole private and professional identity of any individual ALP member. Googling ALP members It doesn't stop there however, after following these links a victim will eventually end up on one of the ALP's own web pages. Looking through the HTML code underneath is very easy, in most web browsers, you can just press Control-U to see what is hidden away in the shadows. Buried in the code, I found this little gem:
  var _gaq = _gaq   [];
  _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-35325645-1']);
    var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
    ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';
    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
This may be even scarier: it's a JavaScript code that channels all access to the ALP web site into an outsourced tracking system provided by Google. Google can now cross-reference ALP members against their Gmail accounts, their friends and the topics they search for to further profile the type of advertising they should be exposed to. Google, like any private company, has a loyalty to its shareholders and the laws of the country where it is domiciled. Will that coincide with the best interests of ALP members in Victoria? Australia's other parties: samples needed Do you have similar communications from Australia's other political parties? Please send them to me and I'll be happy to examine them for similar shortcomings.

27 July 2013

Petter Reinholdtsen: First beta release of Debian Edu/Skolelinux based on Debian Wheezy

The first wheezy based beta release of Debian Edu was wrapped up today. This is the release announcement: New features for Debian Edu 7.1+edu0~b0 released 2013-07-27 These are the release notes for for Debian Edu / Skolelinux 7.1+edu0~b0, based on Debian with codename "Wheezy". About Debian Edu and Skolelinux Debian Edu, also known as Skolelinux, is a Linux distribution based on Debian providing an out-of-the box environment of a completely configured school network. Immediately after installation a school server running all services needed for a school network is set up just waiting for users and machines being added via GOsa , a comfortable Web-UI. A netbooting environment is prepared using PXE, so after initial installation of the main server from CD, DVD or USB stick all other machines can be installed via the network. The provided school server provides LDAP database and Kerberos authentication service, centralized home directories, DHCP server, web proxy and many other services. The desktop contains more than 60 educational software packages and more are available from the Debian archive, and schools can choose between KDE, Gnome, LXDE and Xfce desktop environment. This is the fifth test release based on Debian Wheezy. Basically this is an updated and slightly improved version compared to the Squeeze release. ALERT: Alpha based installations should reinstall or downgrade the versions of gosa and libpam-mklocaluser to the ones used in this beta release. Software updates Other changes Known issues Where to get it To download the multiarch netinstall CD release you can use The MD5SUM of this image is: 55d5de9765b6dccd5d9ec33cf1a07109
The SHA1SUM of this image is: 996a1d9517740e4d627d100de2d12b23dd545a3f To download the multiarch USB stick ISO release you can use The MD5SUM of this image is: d8f0818c51a78d357de794066f289f69
The SHA1SUM of this image is: 49185ca354e8d0543240423746924f76a6cee733 How to report bugs

17 July 2013

Petter Reinholdtsen: How to fix a Thinkpad X230 with a broken 180 GB SSD disk

Today I switched to my new laptop. I've previously written about the problems I had with my new Thinkpad X230, which was delivered with an 180 GB Intel SSD disk with Lenovo firmware that did not handle sustained writes. My hardware supplier have been very forthcoming in trying to find a solution, and after first trying with another identical 180 GB disks they decided to send me a 256 GB Samsung SSD disk instead to fix it once and for all. The Samsung disk survived the installation of Debian with encrypted disks (filling the disk with random data during installation killed the first two), and I thus decided to trust it with my data. I have installed it as a Debian Edu Wheezy roaming workstation hooked up with my Debian Edu Squeeze main server at home using Kerberos and LDAP, and will use it as my work station from now on. As this is a solid state disk with no moving parts, I believe the Debian Wheezy default installation need to be tuned a bit to increase performance and increase life time of the disk. The Linux kernel and user space applications do not yet adjust automatically to such environment. To make it easier for my self, I created a draft Debian package ssd-setup to handle this tuning. The source for the ssd-setup package is available from collab-maint, and it is set up to adjust the setup of the machine by just installing the package. If there is any non-SSD disk in the machine, the package will refuse to install, as I did not try to write any logic to sort file systems in SSD and non-SSD file systems. I consider the package a draft, as I am a bit unsure how to best set up Debian Wheezy with an SSD. It is adjusted to my use case, where I set up the machine with one large encrypted partition (in addition to /boot), put LVM on top of this and set up partitions on top of this again. See the README file in the package source for the references I used to pick the settings. At the moment these parameters are tuned: During installation, I cancelled the part where the installer fill the disk with random data, as this would kill the SSD performance for little gain. My goal with the encrypted file system is to ensure those stealing my laptop end up with a brick and not a working computer. I have no hope in keeping the really resourceful people from getting the data on the disk (see XKCD #538 for an explanation why). Thus I concluded that adding the discard option to crypttab is the right thing to do. I considered using the noop I/O scheduler, as several recommended it for SSD, but others recommended deadline and a benchmark I found indicated that deadline might be better for interactive use. I also considered using the 'discard' file system option for ext3 and ext4, but read that it would give a performance hit ever time a file is removed, and thought it best to that that slowdown once a day instead of during my work. My package do not set up tmpfs on /var/run, /var/lock and /tmp, as this is already done by Debian Edu. I have not yet started on the user space tuning. I expect iceweasel need some tuning, and perhaps other applications too, but have not yet had time to investigate those parts. The package should work on Ubuntu too, but I have not yet tested it there. As for the answer to the question in the title of this blog post, as far as I know, the only solution I know about is to replace the disk. It might be possible to flash it with Intel firmware instead of the Lenovo firmware. But I have not tried and did not want to do so without approval from Lenovo as I wanted to keep the warranty on the disk until a solution was found and they wanted the broken disks back.

22 June 2013

Benjamin Mako Hill: Iceowl s Awesome New Icon

If you re a Debian user, you are probably already familiar with some of the awesome icons for IceWeasel (rebranded Mozilla Firefox), IceDove (rebranded Mozilla Thunderbird) and IceApe (rebranded Mozilla SeaMonkey).

iceweasel_icon-200pxicedove_icon-200px iceape_icon-200px I was pretty ambivalent about the decision to rebrand Firefox until I saw some of proposed the IceWeasel icons which in my humble opinion were just too cute, and awesome, to pass up.

iceweasel-old Until very recently however, IceOwl (rebranded Mozilla Sundbird) had no such awesome icon. Quite a while ago, I filed bug #658664 in Debian complaining that iceowl does not include awesome icy owl icons. I wrote:

I was extremely disappointed when I installed Iceowl and discovered that it does not ship with an awesome logo or icons showing a picture of an IceOwl. Instead, it seems to be represented by picture of a (boring) paper calendar which is very generic and not awesome at all. IceWeasel, IceDove, and IceApe each include extremely awesome logos/icons that have really cool looking white illustrations of icy weasels, doves, and apes. IceOwl needs a similarly awesome logo to use as its icon. This bug seems particularly egregious because owls actually live in icy climates and come in white versions! For example: While illustrators need to imagine what an ice ape or ice weasel might look like, there is no such need for imagination in the case of an ice owl! As far as I m concerned, this bug should be release critical. Hopefully, someone will upload a patch quickly!
Finally, after many months of all of us suffering in silence, Nick Morrott came along and fixed the bug with the creation of this new, incredibly awesome, icy owl logo!


10 June 2013

Petter Reinholdtsen: Third alpha release of Debian Edu / Skolelinux based on Debian Wheezy

The third wheezy based alpha release of Debian Edu was wrapped up today. This is the release announcement: New features for Debian Edu 7.0.0 alpha2 released 2013-06-10 This is the release notes for for Debian Edu / Skolelinux 7.0.0 edu alpha2, based on Debian with codename "Wheezy". About Debian Edu and Skolelinux Debian Edu, also known as Skolelinux, is a Linux distribution based on Debian providing an out-of-the box environment of a completely configured school network. Immediately after installation a school server running all services needed for a school network is set up just waiting for users and machines being added via GOsa , a comfortable Web-UI. A netbooting environment is prepared using PXE, so after initial installation of the main server from CD, DVD or USB stick all other machines can be installed via the network. The provided school server provides LDAP database and Kerberos authentication service, centralized home directories, DHCP server, web proxy and many other services. The desktop contains more than 60 educational software packages and more are available from the Debian archive, and schools can choose between KDE, Gnome, LXDE and Xfce desktop environment. This is the third test release based on Debian Wheezy. Basically this is an updated and slightly improved version compared to the Squeeze release. Software updates Other changes Known issues Where to get it To download the multiarch netinstall CD release you can use The MD5SUM of this image is: 27bbcace407743382f3c42c08dbe8178
The SHA1SUM of this image is: e35f7d7908566cd3075375b3721fa10ee420d419 How to report bugs

26 April 2013

Petter Reinholdtsen: First alpha release of Debian Edu / Skolelinux based on Debian Wheezy

The Debian Edu / Skolelinux project is still going strong and made its first Wheezy based release today. This is the release announcement: New features for Debian Edu ~7.0.0 alpha0 released 2013-04-26 This is the release notes for for Debian Edu / Skolelinux ~7.0.0 edu alpha0, based on Debian with codename "Wheezy". About Debian Edu and Skolelinux Debian Edu, also known as Skolelinux, is a Linux distribution based on Debian providing an out-of-the box environment of a completely configured school network. Immediatly after installation a school server running all services needed for a school network is set up just waiting for users and machines being added via GOsa , a comfortable Web-UI. A netbooting environment is prepared using PXE, so after initial installation of the main server from CD, DVD or USB stick all other machines can be installed via the network. This is the first test release based on Wheezy (which currently is not released yet). Basically this is an updated and slightly improved version compared to the Squeeze release. Software updates Documentation LDAP related changes Other changes Regressions No updated artwork Where to get it To download the multiarch netinstall CD release you can use The MD5SUM of this image is: c5e773ddafdaa4f48c409c682f598b6c The SHA1SUM of this image is: 25934fabb9b7d20235499a0a51f08ce6c54215f2 How to report bugs

30 March 2013

Evgeni Golov: Opera, standards and why I should have stayed in my cave

So you probably heard that I have that little new project of mine: QiFi the pure JavaScript WiFi QR Code Generator. It s been running pretty well and people even seem to like it. One of its (unannounced) features is a pretty clean stylesheet that is used for printing. When you print the result will be just the SSID and the QR code, so you can put that piece of paper everywhere you like. That works (I tested!) fine on Iceweasel/Firefox 10.0.12 and Chromium 25.0. Today I tried to do the same in Opera 12.14 and it failed terribly: the SSID was there, the QR code not. And here my journey begins First I suspected the CSS I used was fishy, so I kicked all the CSS involved and retried: still no QR code in the print-out. So maybe it s the QR code library I use that produces a weird canvas? Nope, the examples on and don t print either. Uhm, let s Google for opera canvas print And oh boy I should not have done that. It seems it s a bug in Opera. And the proposed solution is to use canvas.toDataURL() to render the canvas as an image and load the image instead of the canvas. I almost went that way. But I felt that urge need to read the docs before. So I opened and and started puking:
When trying to use types other than image/png , authors can check if the image was really returned in the requested format by checking to see if the returned string starts with one of the exact strings data:image/png, or data:image/png; . If it does, the image is PNG, and thus the requested type was not supported. (The one exception to this is if the canvas has either no height or no width, in which case the result might simply be data:, .)
If the type requested is not image/png, and the returned value starts with data:image/png, then the requested type is not supported.
Really? I have to check the returned STRING to know if there was an error? Go home HTML5, you re drunk! Okay, okay. No canvas rendered to images then. Let s just render the QR code as a <table> instead of a <canvas> when the browser looks like Opera. There is nothing one could do wrong with tables, right? But let s test with the basic example first: Yes, this is 2013. Yes, this is Opera 12.14. Yes, the rendering of a fucking HTML table is wrong. Needles to say, Iceweasel and Chromium render the example just fine. I bet even a recent Internet Explorer would That said, there is no bugfixworkaround for Opera I want to implement. If you use Opera, I feel sorry for you. But that s all. Update: before someone cries ZOMG! BUG PLZ!!! , I filled this as DSK-383716 at Opera.

19 February 2013

Mike Hommey: Ten years

Ten years ago, this very day, my first Debian package entered the Debian unstable repository. It was an addon for Mozilla Composer, Daniel Glazman s Cascades. On the same day, my second Debian package entered the Debian unstable repository as well. It was an addon for Mozilla Browser, Checky. A few days later, my third Debian package entered Debian unstable. It was an addon for Mozilla Browser, Diggler. Do you see a pattern? They are now abandoned software, although I made Checky and Diggler live a little longer (and I m actually considering reviving Diggler) but they had their importance in my journey, and are part of the reason why I am where I am now. My journey on the web started with NCSA Mosaic on VAX/VMS, then continued with Netscape Navigator, Netscape Communicator and Mozilla Suite on Linux. That s where I was ten years ago, sailing between Galeon (a browser using the Mozilla engine) and Mozilla Suite, and filing some layout bugs. Ten years ago, there was a new kid on the block. It used to be called Phoenix, it had just changed its name to Firebird. Eventually, it changed again for Firefox. You may have heard about it. Because Firebird was so much nicer than the browser in the Mozilla Suite, I started using its Debian package, and wanted my packaged addons to work with it. So I contacted Eric Dorland, Phoenix/Firebird package maintainer at the time, and got the addons working. I then ended up fixing a bunch of packaging issues. This is how I got involved in Firefox packaging for Debian, and what eventually led me to work for Mozilla.

8 February 2013

Philipp Kern: Mozilla's direction

Am I the only one who's disappointed with the route Mozilla's taking and left wondering what the direction is? First they killed off the development of Thunderbird because, as we all know, people mainly use webmail these days. Then they presented us their view that the big Certificate Authorities are too big to fail, as CAs gravely violated our trust (c.f. Trustwave and their MitM authority). And "now" they're also blocking the introduction of new formats into their browser because they cannot be the one who innovates. Instead Microsoft and Apple obviously need to take the lead in introducing a format into their browsers because otherwise it wouldn't be useful. Even though it's safe to say that Chrome and Firefox make up for more than half of the desktop browser market share. It might be that Chrome's nibbling from Firefox's, still IE seems to be in decline and Safari is rather a further mention than something many people would care strongly about.

There were of course some valid reasons for not supporting WebP yet. But most of them got fixed in the meantime and all we hear is the referal to proprietary vendors who need to move first. If I'd want to depend on such vendors I'd go with proprietary operating systems. (Having to deal with hardware products of proprietary vendors at $dayjob is enough.) So what's up Mozilla? The solution is to ignore your users and tag bugs with patches wontfix?

The only real advantage of Firefox over Chromium these days is the vast amount of plugins and extensions (e.g. Pentadactyl, for which there is no real equivalent available). Another sad fact is that you need to pull Firefox from a 3rd party repository (even though packages are coming from the 2nd party) to get a current version onto your Debian system to work with the web. But then it's not Mozilla who's to blame here. Maybe we should've introduced one Iceweasel version that's allowed to have reverse-dependencies and one that cannot.

(This post might contain hyberboles, which should be considered as such.)

25 January 2013

Johannes Schauer: Bootstrappable Debian - New Milestone

This post is about the port bootstrap build ordering tool (naming suggestions welcome) which was started as a Debian Google Summer of Code project in 2012 and continued to be developed afterwards. Sources are available through gitorious. In the end of November 2012, I managed to put down an approximation algorithm to the feedback arc set problem which allowed to break the dependency graph into a directed acyclic graph with only few removed build dependencies. I wrote about this effort on our mailinglist but didnt mention it here because it was still too much of a proof-of-concept. Later, in January 2013, I mentioned the result of this algorithm in an email wookey and me wrote to debian-devel mailinglist. Many things happened since November 2012:

Processing pipeline instead of monolithic tools The tools I developed so far tried to accomplish everything by themselves, reusing functionality implemented in a central library. Therefor, if one wanted to try out even trivial new things, it mostly meant to hack some OCaml code. Pietro Abate suggested to instead develop smaller tools which could work independently of each other, would only execute one algorithm each and could easily be connected together in different ways to achieve different effects. This switch is now done and all functionality from the old tools is moved into a new toolset. The exchange format between the tools is either plain text files in deb822 control format (Packages/Sources files) or a dependency graph. The dependency graph is currently marshalled by OCaml but future versions should work with just passing a GraphML (an XML graph format) representation around. This new way of doing things seems close to the UNIX philosophy (each program does one thing well, data is stored as text, every program is a filter). For example the deb822 control output can easily be manipulated using grep-dctrl(1) and there exist many tools which can read, analyze and manipulate GraphML. It is a big improvement over the old, monolithic tools which did not allow to manipulate any intermediate result by external, existing tools. Currently, a shell script ( will execute all tools in a meaningful order, connecting them together correctly. The same tools will be used for a future but they will be connected differently. I wrote about a first proposal of what the individual tools should do and how they should be connected in this email from which I also linked a confusing overview of the pipeline. This overview has recently been improved to be even more confusing and the current version of the lower half (the native part) now looks like this: native reduced Solid arrows represent a flow of binary packages, dottend arrows represent a flow of source packages, ovals represent a set of packages, boxes with rounded corners represent set operations, rectangular boxes represent filters. There is only one input to a filter, which is the arrow connected to the top of the box. Outgoing arrows from the bottom represent the filtered input. Ingoing arrows to either side are arguments to the filter and control how the filter behaves depending on the algorithm. I will explain this better once the pipeline proved to be less in flux. The pipeline is currently executed like this by

Two new ways to break dependency cycles have been discovered So far, we knew of three ways to formally break dependency cycles:
  • remove build dependencies through build profiles
  • find out that the build dependency is only used to build arch:all packages and therefor put it into Build-Depends-Indep
  • cross compile some source packages
Two new methods can be added to the above:

Dependency graph definition changed Back in September when I was visiting irill, Pietro found a flaw in how the dependency graph used to be generated. He supplied a new definition of the dependency graph which does away with the problem he found. After fixing some small issues with his code, I changed all the existing algorithms to use the new graph definition. The old graph is as of today removed from the repository. Thanks to Pietro for supplying the new graph definition - I must still admit that my OCaml foo is not strong enough to have come up with his code.

Added complexity for profile built source packages As mentioned in the introduction, wookey and me addressed the debian-devel list with a proposal on necessary changes for an automated bootstrapping of Debian. During the discussiong, two important things came up which are to be considered by the dependency graph algorithms:
  • profile built source packages may not create all binary packages
  • profile built source packages may need additional build dependencies
Both things make it necessary to alter the dependency graph during the generation of a feedback arc set and feedback vertex set beyond the simple removal of edges. Luckily, the developed approximation algorithms can be extended to support such changes in the graph.

Different feedback arc set algorithms The initially developed feedback arc set algorithm is well suited to discover build dependency edges which should be dropped. It performs far worse when creating the final build order because it only considers edges by itself and not how many edges of a source package can be dropped by profile building it. The adjusted algorithm for generating a build order is more of a feedback vertex set algorithm because instead of greedily finding the edge with most cycles through it, it greedily finds the source package which would break most cycles if it was profile built.

Generating a build order with less profile built source packages After implementing all the features above I now feel more confident to publish the current status of the tools to a wider audience. The following test shows a run of the aforementioned ./ shell script. Its final output is a list of source packages which have to be profile built and a build order. Using the resulting build order, starting from a minimal build system (essential:yes, build-essential and debhelper), all source packages will be compiled which are needed to compile all binary packages in the system. The result will therefor be a list of source and binary packages which fulfill the following property:
  • all binary packages can be built from the available source packages
  • all source packages can be built with the available binary packages
I called this a "reduceded distribution" in earlier posts. The interesting property of this specific selection is, that it contains the biggest problem set of Debian when bootstrapping it: a 900 to 1000 nodes big strongly connected component. Here is a visualization of the problem: hideous mess Source packages do not yet come with build profiles and the cross build situation can not yet be analyzed, so the following assumptions were made: The last point is about 14 build dependencies which were decided to be broken by the feedback arc set algorithm but for which other data sources did not indicate that they are actually breakable. Those 14 are dynamically generated by If above assumptions should not be too far from the actual situation, then not more than 73 source packages have to be modified to bootstrap a reduced distribution. This reduced distribution even includes dependency-wise "big" packages like webkit, metacity, iceweasel, network-manager, tracker, gnome-panel, evolution-data-server, kde-runtime, libav and nautilus. By changing one line in one could easily develop a build order which generates gnome-desktop or really any given (meta-)package selection. All of takes only 80 seconds to execute on my system (Core i5, 2.5 GHz, singlethreaded). Here is the final build order which creates 2044 binary packages from 613 source packages.
  1. nspr, libio-pty-perl, libmcrypt, unzip, libdbi-perl, cdparanoia, libelf, c-ares, liblocale-gettext-perl, libibverbs, numactl, ilmbase, tbb, check, libogg, libatomic-ops, libnl($), orc($), libaio, tcl8.4, kmod, libgsm, lame, opencore-amr, tcl8.5, exuberant-ctags, mhash, libtext-iconv-perl, libutempter, pciutils, gperf, hspell, recode, tcp-wrappers, fdupes, chrpath, libbsd, zip, procps, wireless-tools, cpufrequtils, ed, libjpeg8, hesiod, pax, less, dietlibc, netkit-telnet, psmisc, docbook-to-man, libhtml-parser-perl, libonig, opensp($), libterm-size-perl, linux86, libxmltok, db-defaults, java-common, sharutils, libgpg-error, hardening-wrapper, cvsps, p11-kit, libyaml, diffstat, m4
  2. openexr, enca, help2man, speex, libvorbis, libid3tag, patch, openjade1.3, openjade, expat, fakeroot, libgcrypt11($), ustr, sysvinit, netcat, libirman, html2text, libmad, pth, clucene-core, libdaemon($), texinfo, popt, net-tools, tar, libsigsegv, gmp, patchutils($), dirac, cunit, bridge-utils, expect, libgc, nettle, elfutils, jade, bison
  3. sed, indent, findutils, fastjar, cpio, chicken, bzip2, aspell, realpath, dctrl-tools, rsync, ctdb, pkg-config($), libarchive, gpgme1.0, exempi, pump, re2c, klibc, gzip, gawk, flex-old, original-awk, mawk, libtasn1-3($), flex($), libtool
  4. libcap2, mksh, readline6, libcdio, libpipeline, libcroco, schroedinger, desktop-file-utils, eina, fribidi, libusb, binfmt-support, silgraphite2.0, atk1.0($), perl, gnutls26($), netcat-openbsd, ossp-uuid, gsl, libnfnetlink, sg3-utils, jbigkit, lua5.1, unixodbc, sqlite, wayland, radvd, open-iscsi, libpcap, linux-atm, gdbm, id3lib3.8.3, vo-aacenc, vo-amrwbenc, fam, faad2, hunspell, dpkg, tslib, libart-lgpl, libidl, dh-exec, giflib, openslp-dfsg, ppl($), xutils-dev, blcr, bc, time, libdatrie, libpthread-stubs, guile-1.8, libev, attr, libsigc++-2.0, pixman, libpng, libssh2, sqlite3, acpica-unix, acl, a52dec
  5. json-c, cloog-ppl, libverto, glibmm2.4, rtmpdump, libdbd-sqlite3-perl, nss, freetds, slang2, libpciaccess, iptables, e2fsprogs, libnetfilter-conntrack, bash, libthai, python2.6($), libice($), libpaper, libfontenc($), libxau, libxdmcp($), openldap($), cyrus-sasl2($), openssl, python2.7($)
  6. psutils, libevent, stunnel4, libnet-ssleay-perl, libffi, readline5, file, libvoikko, gamin, libieee1284, build-essential, libcap-ng($), lcms($), keyutils, libxml2, libxml++2.6, gcc-4.6($), binutils, dbus($), libsm($), libxslt, doxygen($)
  7. liblqr, rarian, xmlto, policykit-1($), libxml-parser-perl, tdb, devscripts, eet, libasyncns, libusbx, icu, linux, libmng, shadow, xmlstarlet, tidy, gavl, flac, dbus-glib($), libxcb, apr, krb5, alsa-lib
  8. usbutils, enchant, neon27, uw-imap, libsndfile, yasm, xcb-util, gconf($), shared-mime-info($), audiofile, ijs($), jbig2dec, libx11($)
  9. esound, freetype, libxkbfile, xvidcore, xcb-util-image, udev($), libxfixes, libxext($), libxt, libxrender
  10. tk8.4, startup-notification, libatasmart, fontconfig, libxp, libdmx, libvdpau, libdrm, libxres, directfb, libxv, libxxf86dga, libxxf86vm, pcsc-lite, libxss, libxcomposite, libxcursor, libxdamage, libxi($), libxinerama, libxrandr, libxmu($), libxpm, libxfont($)
  11. xfonts-utils, libxvmc, xauth, libxtst($), libxaw($)
  12. pmake, corosync, x11-xserver-utils, x11-xkb-utils, coreutils, xft, nas, cairo
  13. libedit, cairomm, tk8.5, openais, pango1.0($)
  14. ocaml, blt, ruby1.8, firebird2.5, heimdal, lvm2($)
  15. cvs($), python-stdlib-extensions, parted, llvm-2.9, ruby1.9.1, findlib, qt4-x11($)
  16. xen, mesa, audit($), avahi($)
  17. x11-utils, xorg-server, freeglut, libva
  18. jasper, tiff3, python3.2($)
  19. openjpeg, qt-assistant-compat, v4l-utils, qca2, jinja2, markupsafe, lcms2, sip4, imlib2, netpbm-free, cracklib2, cups($), postgresql-9.1
  20. py3cairo, pycairo, pam, libgnomecups, gobject-introspection($)
  21. gdk-pixbuf, libgnomeprint, gnome-menus, gsettings-desktop-schemas, pangomm, consolekit, vala-0.16($), colord($), atkmm1.6
  22. libgee, gtk+3.0($), gtk+2.0($)
  23. gtkmm2.4, poppler($), openssh, libglade2, libiodbc2, gcr($), libwmf, systemd($), gcj-4.7, java-atk-wrapper($)
  24. torque, ecj($), vala-0.14, gnome-keyring($), gcc-defaults, gnome-vfs($)
  25. libidn, libgnome-keyring($), openmpi
  26. mpi-defaults, dnsmasq, wget, lynx-cur, ghostscript, curl
  27. fftw3, gnupg, libquvi, xmlrpc-c, raptor, liboauth, groff, fftw, boost1.49, apt
  28. boost-defaults, libsamplerate, cmake, python-apt
  29. qjson, qtzeitgeist, libssh, qimageblitz, pkg-kde-tools, libical, dwarves-dfsg, automoc, attica, yajl, source-highlight, pygobject, pygobject-2, mysql-5.5($)
  30. libdbd-mysql-perl, polkit-qt-1, libdbusmenu-qt, raptor2, dbus-python, apr-util
  31. rasqal, serf, subversion($), apache2
  32. git, redland
  33. xz-utils, util-linux, rpm, man-db, make-dfsg, libvisual, cryptsetup, libgd2, gstreamer0.10
  34. mscgen, texlive-bin
  35. dvipng, luatex
  36. libconfig, transfig, augeas, blas, libcaca, autogen, libdbi, linuxdoc-tools, gdb, gpm
  37. ncurses, python-numpy($), rrdtool, w3m, iproute, gcc-4.7, libtheora($), gcc-4.4
  38. libraw1394, base-passwd, lm-sensors, netcf, eglibc, gst-plugins-base0.10
  39. libiec61883, qtwebkit, libvirt, libdc1394-22, net-snmp, jack-audio-connection-kit($), bluez
  40. redhat-cluster, gvfs($), pulseaudio($)
  41. phonon, libsdl1.2, openjdk-6($)
  42. phonon-backend-gstreamer($), gettext, libbluray, db, swi-prolog, qdbm, swig2.0($)
  43. highlight, libselinux, talloc, libhdate, libftdi, libplist, python-qt4, libprelude, libsemanage, php5
  44. samba, usbmuxd, libvpx, lirc, bsdmainutils, libiptcdata, libgtop2, libgsf, telepathy-glib, libwnck3, libnotify, libunique3, gnome-desktop3, gmime, glib2.0, json-glib, libgnomecanvas, libcanberra, orbit2, udisks, d-conf, libgusb
  45. libgnomeprintui, libimobiledevice, nautilus($), libbonobo, librsvg
  46. evas, wxwidgets2.8, upower, gnome-disk-utility, libgnome
  47. ecore, libbonoboui
  48. libgnomeui
  49. graphviz
  50. exiv2, libexif, lapack, soprano, libnl3, dbus-c++
  51. atlas, libffado, graphicsmagick, libgphoto2, network-manager
  52. pygtk, jackd2, sane-backends, djvulibre
  53. libav($), gpac($), ntrack, python-imaging, imagemagick, dia
  54. x264($), matplotlib, iceweasel
  55. strigi, opencv, libproxy($), ffms2
  56. kde4libs, frei0r, glib-networking
  57. kde-baseapps, kate, libsoup2.4
  58. geoclue, kde-runtime, totem-pl-parser, libgweather, librest, libgdata
  59. webkit
  60. zenity, gnome-online-accounts
  61. metacity, evolution-data-server
  62. gnome-panel
  63. tracker
The final recompilation of profile built source packages is omitted. Source packages marked with a ($) are selected to be profile built. All source packages listed in the same line can be built in parallel as they do not depend upon each other. This order looks convincing as it first compiles a multitude of source packages which have no or only few build dependencies lacking. Later steps allow fewer source packages to be compiled in parallel. The amount of needed build dependencies is highest in the source packages that are built last.

18 January 2013

Petter Reinholdtsen: How to find a browser plugin supporting a given MIME type

Some times I try to figure out which Iceweasel browser plugin to install to get support for a given MIME type. Thanks to specifications done by Ubuntu and Mozilla, it is possible to do this in Debian. Unfortunately, not very many packages provide the needed meta information, Anyway, here is a small script to look up all browser plugin packages announcing ther MIME support using this specification:
import sys
import apt
def pkgs_handling_mimetype(mimetype):
    cache = apt.Cache()
    thepkgs = []
    for pkg in cache:
        version = pkg.candidate
        if version is None:
            version = pkg.installed
        if version is None:
        record = version.record
        if not record.has_key('Npp-MimeType'):
        mime_types = record['Npp-MimeType'].split(',')
        for t in mime_types:
            t = t.rstrip().strip()
            if t == mimetype:
    return thepkgs
mimetype = "audio/ogg"
if 1 < len(sys.argv):
    mimetype = sys.argv[1]
print "Browser plugin packages supporting %s:" % mimetype
for pkg in pkgs_handling_mimetype(mimetype):
    print "  %s" %pkg
It can be used like this to look up a given MIME type:
% ./apt-find-browserplug-for-mimetype 
Browser plugin packages supporting audio/ogg:
% ./apt-find-browserplug-for-mimetype application/x-shockwave-flash
Browser plugin packages supporting application/x-shockwave-flash:
In Ubuntu this mechanism is combined with support in the browser itself to query for plugins and propose to install the needed packages. It would be great if Debian supported such feature too. Is anyone working on adding it? Update 2013-01-18 14:20: The Debian BTS request for icweasel support for this feature is #484010 from 2008 (and #698426 from today). Lack of manpower and wish for a different design is the reason thus feature is not yet in iceweasel from Debian.

29 December 2012

Mike Hommey: Firefox in Debian?

Got your attention? Don t hold your breath, we re not there yet, but we re a step closer: it s now possible to build Firefox from the Iceweasel package, since version 17.0.1-2 in experimental as of writing, 18.0~b6-1 from the iceweasel-beta repository, or 19.0~a2+20121228042015-1 from the iceweasel-aurora repository. Before letting you know how you can get yourself a packaged Firefox based on the Iceweasel source, I ll remind you that redistribution of Firefox packages requires a trademark license from Mozilla, so please keep the packages you build for yourself for now. That being said, now it s clear that such Firefox packages are not official, you can still test them for yourself. First download the Iceweasel source version of your liking, and extract it, then rename all source files from iceweasel_* to firefox_* (rename s/iceweasel/firefox/ iceweasel_* should do it). Edit debian/changelog so that the first line reads:
firefox (x.y.z-r) distribution; urgency=low
instead of:
iceweasel (x.y.z-r) distribution; urgency=low
and run the following command:
$ debian/rules debian/control
Now you re all set. You can build the package the usual way. Note there are a few differences between the xulrunner packages you get from building Iceweasel vs. from building Firefox that need to be addressed, and a few other details to sort out.

28 December 2012

Guido G nther: GNOME Shell and On Screen Keyboard

Running Debian on the WeTab with GNOME Shell without an external keyboard works pretty nicely. The on screen keyboard - if enabled via the accessibility menu - folds out automatically in the shell itself within text input fields. To have this within GTK+3/GTK+2 applications you need libcaribou-gtk3-module and libcaribou-gtk-module installed. For other cases I stitched together a small extension that puts a keyboard "Button" prominently into the middle of the panel. Clicking/touching it will fold it out, clicking again will hide it again. You can fetch it from
git clone git:// ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
and activate it via
 gsettings set enabled-extensions "['']"
OSK Button Screenshot For kinetic scrolling in Iceweasel I'm currently using Grab and Drag which is not yet packaged for Debian. Thanks to the Debian's GNOME packaging team gnome-shell 3.6 is already available in experimental. This blog is flattr enabled.

27 December 2012

Vasudev Kamath: Note to Self: Telling apt to download specific architecture information only

If you have enabled multi-arch enabled in your system and one of the third party repository you use in /etc/apt/sources.list is not providing the foreign arch you have selected then fear not just do the below for that particular repository line.
deb [arch=arch1] uri distribution component
In my case doesn't provide binary-armel hence I just did this
deb [arch=amd64] http://localhost:9999/mdn experimental iceweasel-aurora
and apt stopped complaining about missing foreign arch. Well this is present in man page of sources.list but I just wrote here so I can find it easily next time :-).

3 December 2012

Erich Schubert: ResearchGate Spam

Update Dec 2012: ResearchGate still keeps on sending me their spam. Most of the colleagues I had that tried out RG now deleted their account there, apparently, so the invitation mails become fewer. Please do not try to push this link on Wikipedia just because you are also annoyed by their emails. My blog is not a "reliable source" by Wikipedia standards. It solely reflects my personal view of that web site, not journalistic or scientific research. The reason why I call ResearchGate spam is the weasel words they use to trick authors into sending the invitation spam. Here's the text coming with the checkbox you need to uncheck (from the ResearchGate "blog")
Add my co-authors that are already using ResearchGate as contacts and invite those who are not yet members.
See how it is worded so it sounds much more like "link my colleagues that are already on researchgate" instead of "send invitation emails to my colleagues"? It deliberately avoids the mentioning of "email", too. And according to the researchgate news post, this is hidden in "Edit Settings", too (I never bothered to try it -- I do not see any benefit to me in their offers, so why should I?). Original post below:
If you are in science, you probably already received a couple of copies of the ResearchGate spam. They are trying to build a "Facebook for scienctists", and so far, their main strategy seems to be aggressive inivitation spam. So far, I've received around 5 of their "inivitations", which essentially sound like "Claim your papers now!" (without actually getting any benefit). When I asked my colleagues about these invitations none actually meant to invite me! This is why I consider this behaviour of ResearchGate to be spam. Plus, at least one of these messages was a reminder, not triggered by user interaction. Right now, they claim to have 1.9 million users. They also claim "20% interact at least once a month". However, they have around 4000 Twitter followers and Facebook fans, and their top topics on their network are at like 10000-50000 users. That is probably a much more real user count estimation: 4k-40k. And these "20%" that interact, might just be those 20% the site grew in this timeframe and that happened to click on the sign up link. For a "social networking" site, these numbers are pointless anyway. That is probably even less than MySpace. Because I do not see any benefit in their offers! Before going on an extremely aggressive marketing campaign like this, they really should consider to actually have something to offer... And the science community is a lot about not wasting their time. It is a dangerous game that ResearchGate is playing here. It may appeal to their techies and investors to artificially inflate their user numbers in the millions. But if you pay for the user numbers with your reputation, that is a bad deal! Once you have the reputation as being a spammer (and mind it, every scientist I've talked to so far complained about the spam and "I clicked on it only to make it stop sending me emails") it's hard to be taken serious again. The scientific community is a lot about reputation, and ResearchGate is screwing up badly on this. In particular, according to researchgate founder on quora, the invitations are opt-out on "claiming" a paper. Sorry, this is wrong. Don't make users annoy other users by sending them unwanted invitations to a worthless service! And after all, there are alternatives such as Academia and Mendeley that do offer much more benefit. (I do not use these either, though. In my opinion, they also do not offer enough benefit to bother going to their website. I've mentioned the inaccuracy of Mendeleys data - and the lack of an option to get them corrected - before in an earlier blog post. Don't rely on Mendeley as citation manager! Their citation data is unreviewed. I'm considering to send ResearchGate (they're Berlin based, but there maybe also is a US office you could direct this to) a cease and desist letter, denying them to store personal information on me, and to use my name on their websites to promote their "services". They may have visions of a more connected and more collaborative science, but they actually don't have new solutions. You can't solve everything by creating yet another web forum and "web2.0izing" everything. Although many of the web 2.0 bubble boys don't want to hear it: you won't solve world hunger and AIDS by doing another website. And there is a life outside the web.

29 November 2012

Peter Palfrader: Driving your firefox like vim

Driving your firefox like vim Recently a friend of mine pointed out pentadactyl to me. It's a firefox add-on to drive your browser in a vim-like style. I had tried vimperator in the past and didn't like it very much back then, but a lot has improved since then. Obviously there's a learning curve involved, like in many great tools, but I think for me it was worth it. I have it now enabled in all my firefoxes/iceweasels. Aloha,

12 November 2012

Sune Vuorela: Fake Akrobat browser plugin

So. for some reason, the danish tax authorities (Skat) has started requiring Adobe Acrobat for being able to see pdf files to work around a bug with handling of temporary files on Windows8 and shared computers and such. Luckily there is a couple of easy workarounds. Like modifying the Javascript to check things at runtime using some browser specific addons. Or just do it like I did and write a actual browserplugin. I cheated and used QtBrowserPlugin. Then my actual code was a couple of lines. Want to check it out? Look here: It just does enough to ensure the test succeeds. Work in: iceweasel and arora. For some reason, it doesn t work in konqueror/webkit nor in konqueror/khtml.

15 October 2012

Tanguy Ortolo: Why phishers must looove smartphones

Phishing is a fraud technique that consists in reproducing the content of a targeted website, directing users to it, and recording their credentials when they log into your website. It is like fishing fish with fake food, only you phish humans with fake websites. Well, I have a good news for the phishers: people are using more and more smartphones, and mobile browsers are making your job really easy. In fact, many regular smartphone user simply have no way to tell your fake website apart from the real one.For instance, this is what my bank website looks like in my desktop browser, and what a corresponding phishing website would look like:
Iceweasel Web browser, with  in its address bar

A bank website in Iceweasel

Iceweasel Web browser, with  in its address bar

A phishing website in Iceweasel

See the difference? It is not that obvious, but it is easy to detect when you are trained: the page address is not the same, with the fake website it refers to the phisher's server instead of the bank's one. Now, what does it look like on a Firefox Mobile? Well, here is the answer: the same, absolutely the same:
Firefox Mobile Web browser, with  Banque et Assurances  in its address bar

A bank website in Firefox Mobile

Firefox Mobile Web browser, with  Banque et Assurances  in its address bar

A phishing website in Firefox Mobile

The page address is hidden for space reasons, and only shown when touching the address page title bar. Want to browse the Web safely? After each link you follow, click on the page title bar. Good luck if you are using such a mobile Web browser. Fortunately, I am not.

